MEDFUSION - Securing Medical Devices and the Internet of Things (IoT) Pilot
High Level of Scope
The Pilot will be the outcome of an IT technical “Integrator” using a suite of technology commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies recognized by industry as leading-edge solutions for cyber security goals and data isolation, information availability, assurances down to device of status, an alerting functionality, heuristics, traffic analysis, and the prevention of data exfiltration (data leakage) from VA.
High Level Pilot Architecture
On the next slide is a high level representation of VA’s existing networking architecture. Medical Devices and Special Purpose Systems are connected at the local facility level through wired or wireless connections to switches and routers that in turn connect to the VA’s Wide Area Network (WAN). Solution management components shall be installed in each of the four primary geographical failover locations (Long Beach Data Center, Denver Data Center, Hines Data Center, and Secaucus Data Center).
Pilot Location
The selection of the proposed pilot location was determined from a list of sites recently upgraded networking and switching components. A site survey shall be accomplished in order to determine the exact Bill of Materials (BOM) is required both in terms of hardware and software for the pilot solution. It is known that the MedFusion pilot will consist of the Long Beach VA Medical Center (VAMC) itself, all five (5) outlying Community-Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOC), VISN 22 offices (networking Office and Contracting Office), the Veteran Vocation Rehabilitation Center (VVRC), and the Capitol Regional Readiness Center (CRRC). There are no-known additional external partner connections (at this time), connections to the TIC’s and the command center at the NSOC.